PhotoObj |
Member Name/Aliases | Datatype | Description |
objID; id_; object_ID; obj_ID | int64 | The unique identifier for SDSS photometric objects. It is a bit-encoded integer of run,rerun,camcol,field,objid. |
object; id; objid | int32 | The object id within a field (1-indexed). Usually changes between reruns of the same field. |
nChild; nchild; nChildren | int32 | Number of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling. |
objType; objc_type; objtype | int32 | Classification of the object. This is an enumerated type which assigns a morphological classification
to an object.
OBJ_TYPE_UNK, * Unknown OBJ_TYPE_CR, * Cosmic ray OBJ_TYPE_DEFECT, * Defect OBJ_TYPE_GALAXY, * Galaxy OBJ_TYPE_GHOST, * Ghost OBJ_TYPE_KNOWNOBJ, * Known object OBJ_TYPE_STAR, * Star OBJ_TYPE_TRAIL, * Star trail OBJ_TYPE_SKY, * Sky OBJ_TYPE_NTYPE * ??? |
catID; catid; cat_ID | int32 | Catalog ID. Not used. |
objFlags; objc_flags; flag1; objc_flags2; flag2; objFlags2 | int64 | Detection FlagsOBJECT_CANONICAL_CENTER = 0x1, * used canonical, not local, centre OBJECT_BRIGHT = 0x2, * detected by Bright Objects OBJECT_EDGE = 0x4, * object is too close to edge of frame OBJECT_BLENDED = 0x8, * object is/was blended OBJECT_CHILD = 0x10, * object is a child OBJECT_PEAKCENTER = 0x20, * given centre position of peak pixel OBJECT_NODEBLEND = 0x40, * no deblending attempted OBJECT_NOPROFILE = 0x80, * too small to estimate a profile OBJECT_NOPETRO = 0x100, * no Petrosian radius OBJECT_MANYPETRO = 0x200, * more than one Petrosian radius OBJECT_NOPETRO_BIG = 0x400, * no Petrosian radius as object is too big OBJECT_DEBLEND_TOO_MANY_PEAKS = 0x800, * too many peaks to deblend OBJECT_CR = 0x1000, * contains a CR pixel OBJECT_MANYR50 = 0x2000, * more than one 50% radius OBJECT_MANYR90 = 0x4000, * more than one 90% radius OBJECT_BAD_RADIAL = 0x8000, * some low S/N radial points OBJECT_INCOMPLETE_PROFILE = 0x10000, * r_P includes off-frame pixels OBJECT_INTERP = 0x20000, * object contains interpolated pixels OBJECT_SATUR = 0x40000, * object contains saturated pixels OBJECT_NOTCHECKED = 0x80000, * object contains NOTCHECKED pixels OBJECT_SUBTRACTED = 0x100000, * object had wings subtracted OBJECT_NOSTOKES = 0x200000, * object has no measured stokes params OBJECT_BADSKY = 0x400000, * sky level so bad that object is -ve OBJECT_PETROFAINT = 0x800000, * >= 1 Petrosian radius too faint OBJECT_TOO_LARGE = 0x1000000, * object is too large OBJECT_DEBLENDED_AS_PSF = 0x2000000, * deblender treated obj as PSF OBJECT_DEBLEND_PRUNED = 0x4000000, * deblender pruned peak list OBJECT_ELLIPFAINT = 0x8000000, * Centre's fainter than desired elliptical isophote OBJECT_BINNED1 = 0x10000000, * object was found in 1x1 binned image OBJECT_BINNED2 = 0x20000000, * object was found in 2x2 binned image OBJECT_BINNED4 = 0x40000000, * object was found in 4x4 binned image OBJECT_MOVED = 0x80000000, * Object appears to have moved during * the exposure. May have been * deblended as a moving object. OBJECT_DEBLENDED_AS_MOVING = 0x100000000, * deblended as a moving object OBJECT_NODEBLEND_MOVING = 0x200000000, * no deblend of moving object OBJECT_TOO_FEW_DETECTIONS = 0x400000000, * too few detections to deblend OBJECT_BAD_MOVING_FIT = 0x800000000, * Fit to moving object was too poor OBJECT_STATIONARY = 0x1000000000, * velocity is consistent with zero OBJECT_PEAKS_TOO_CLOSE = 0x2000000000, * at least some peaks were too close, * and thus merged OBJECT_MEDIAN_CENTRE = 0x4000000000, * centre is of median-smoothed image OBJECT_LOCAL_EDGE = 0x8000000000, * per-band centre's too near edge OBJECT_BAD_COUNTS_ERROR = 0x10000000000, * psf|fiberCountsErr is bad/unknown OBJECT_BAD_MOVING_FIT_CHILD = 0x20000000000, * moving child's fit was too poor OBJECT_DEBLEND_UNASSIGNED_FLUX = 0x40000000000, * deblender failed to assign * enough of flux to children OBJECT_SATUR_CENTER = 0x80000000000, * object's centre's saturated OBJECT_INTERP_CENTER = 0x100000000000, * object's centre is very close to at * least one interpolated pixel OBJECT_DEBLENDED_AT_EDGE = 0x200000000000, * object is deblended though EDGE OBJECT_DEBLEND_NOPEAK = 0x400000000000, * object had no detected peak OBJECT_PSF_FLUX_INTERP = 0x800000000000, * a signifcant amount of PSF's flux * is interpolated OBJECT_TOO_FEW_GOOD_DETECTIONS=0x1000000000000, * too few good detections to deblend as moving OBJECT_CENTER_OFF_AIMAGE = 0x2000000000000, * at least one peak's centre lay * off the atlas image in some band OBJECT_MEASURED = 0x1000000000000000, * object has been measured OBJECT_GROWN_MERGED = 0x2000000000000000, * growing led to a merger OBJECT_HAS_CENTER = 0x4000000000000000, * OBJC has a canonical centre OBJECT_MEASURE_BRIGHT = 0x8000000000000000 * object should be measured bright |
rowC; objc_rowc; objRowc | float32 | Row center position - r' coordinates. (pixels) |
rowCErr; objc_rowcErr; objRowcErr | float32 | Row center position error - r' coordinates. (pixels) |
colC; objc_colc; objColc | float32 | Column center position - r' coordinates. (pixels) |
colCErr; objc_colcErr; objColcErr | float32 | Column center position error - r' coordinates. (pixels) |
rowV; rowv | float32 | Row-component of object's velocity. (deg/day) |
rowVErr; rowvErr | float32 | Error in row-component of object's velocity. (deg/day) |
colV; colv | float32 | Column-component of object's velocity. (deg/day) |
colVErr; colvErr | float32 | Error in column-component of object's velocity. (deg/day) |
row; rowc | float32[5] | Row center. (pixels) |
rowErr; rowcErr | float32[5] | Row center error. (pixels) |
col; colc | float32[5] | Column center. (pixels) |
colErr; colcErr | float32[5] | Column center error. (pixels) |
sky | float32[5] | Sky flux at center of object. (luptitudes/square-arcsec) |
skyErr | float32[5] | Sky flux error. (luptitudes/square-arcsec) |
psfMag; psfCounts | float32[5] | PSF flux. (luptitudes) |
psfMagErr; psfCountsErr | float32[5] | PSF flux error. (luptitudes) |
fiberMag; fiberCounts | float32[5] | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius. (luptitudes) |
fiberMagErr; fiberCountsErr | float32[5] | Error in 3-arcsec fiber flux. (luptitudes) |
petroMag; petroCounts | float32[5] | Petrosian flux. (luptitudes) |
petroMagErr; petroCountsErr | float32[5] | Petrosian flux error. (luptitudes) |
petroRad | float32[5] | Petrosian radius. (arcsecs) |
petroRadErr | float32[5] | Petrosian radius error. (arcsecs) |
petroR50 | float32[5] | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux. (arcsecs) |
petroR50Err | float32[5] | Error in radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux. (arcsecs) |
petroR90 | float32[5] | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux. (arcsecs) |
petroR90Err | float32[5] | Error in radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux. (arcsecs) |
q; Q | float32[5] | Stokes Q parameter. |
qErr; QErr; Q_err | float32[5] | Stokes Q parameter error. |
u; U | float32[5] | Stokes U parameter. |
uErr; UErr; U_err | float32[5] | Stokes U parameter error. |
isoRowC; iso_rowc; isoRowc | float32[5] | Isophotal row centroid. (pixels) |
isoRowCErr; iso_rowcErr; isoRowcErr | float32[5] | Isophotal row centroid error. (pixels) |
isoRowCGrad; iso_rowcGrad; isoRowcGrad | float32[5] | Gradient in row centroid with isophote. (pixels/(1 mag/arcsec^2 SB change) at object center) |
isoColC; iso_colc; isoColc | float32[5] | Isophotal column centroid. (pixels) |
isoColCErr; iso_colcErr; isoColcErr | float32[5] | Isophotal column centroid error. (pixels) |
isoColCGrad; iso_colcGrad; isoColcGrad | float32[5] | Gradient in column centroid with isophote. (pixels/(1 mag/arcsec^2 SB change) at object center) |
isoA; iso_a | float32[5] | Isophotal major axis. (arcsecs) |
isoAErr; iso_aErr | float32[5] | Isophotal major axis error. (arcsecs) |
isoB; iso_b | float32[5] | Isophotal minor axis. (arcsecs) |
isoBErr; iso_bErr | float32[5] | Isophotal minor axis error. (arcsecs) |
isoAGrad; iso_aGrad | float32[5] | Gradient in major axis with isophote. (arcsec/(1 mag/arcsec^2 SB change) at isophote) |
isoBGrad; iso_bGrad | float32[5] | Gradient in minor axis with isophote. (arcsec/(1 mag/arcsec^2 SB change) at isophote) |
isoPhi; iso_phi | float32[5] | Isophotal position angle. (degrees (+N thru E)) |
isoPhiErr; iso_phiErr | float32[5] | Isophotal position angle error. (degrees) |
isoPhiGrad; iso_phiGrad | float32[5] | Gradient in positional angle with isophote. (degrees/(1 mag/arcsec^2 SB change) at isophote) |
deVRad; r_deV | float32[5] | DeVaucouler fit scale radius. (arcsecs) |
deVRadErr; r_deVErr | float32[5] | DeVaucouler fit scale radius error. (arcsecs) |
deVAB; ab_deV | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs fit a/b. |
deVABErr; ab_deVErr | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs fit a/b error. |
deVPhi; phi_deV | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs fit position angle. (degrees (+N thru E)) |
deVPhiErr; phi_deVErr | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs fit position angle error. (degrees) |
deVMag; counts_deV; deVCounts | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs mag fit. (luptitudes) |
deVMagErr; counts_deVErr; deVCountsErr | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs mag fit error. (luptitudes) |
expRad; r_exp | float32[5] | Exponential fit scale radius. (arcsecs) |
expRadErr; r_expErr | float32[5] | Exponential fit scale radius error. (arcsecs) |
expAB; ab_exp | float32[5] | Exponential fit a/b. |
expABErr; ab_expErr | float32[5] | Exponential fit a/b error. |
expPhi; exp_phi | float32[5] | Exponential fit position angle. (degrees (+N thru E)) |
expPhiErr; exp_phiErr | float32[5] | Exponential fit position angle error. (degrees) |
expMag; counts_exp; expCounts | float32[5] | Exponential fit. (luptitudes) |
expMagErr; counts_expErr; expCountsErr | float32[5] | Exponential fit error. (luptitudes) |
modelMag; counts_model; modelCounts | float32[5] | Better of DeV/Exp mag fit. (luptitudes) |
modelMagErr; counts_modelErr; modelCountsErr | float32[5] | Better of DeV/Exp mag fit error. (luptitudes) |
texture | float32[5] | Texture parameter. |
lStar; star_L | float32[5] | Star log likelihood |
lExp; exp_L | float32[5] | Exponential disk fit log likelihood. |
lDeV; deV_L | float32[5] | DeVaucouleurs fit log likelihood. |
fracPSF | float32[5] | Fraction of light in PSF. |
flags; flags2 | int64[5] | Object detection flags per band. See objFlags above for all flag descriptions |
type | int32[5] | Object type classification per band. See objType above for a list of types. |
status | int32 | The status field is a bit mask specifying the status of the object in the survey. The bits are defined as:
AR_OBJECT_STATUS_SET = 0x1, * This object's status has been set * in reference to its own run. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_GOOD = 0x2, * Good as determined by its * object flags. Absence implies * bad. This flag is set by * "setObjectStatus". AR_OBJECT_STATUS_DUPLICATE = 0x4, * This object has one or more * duplicate detections in an * adjacent field of the same Frames * Pipeline Run. This is set by * "setObjectStatus". AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_RUN = 0x10, * Located within the primary range * of rows for this field. This is * usable object. This flag is set * by "setObjectStatus". AR_OBJECT_STATUS_RESOLVED = 0x20, * This object has been resolved * against other runs. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_PSEGMENT = 0x40, * Belongs to a PRIMARY segment. * This does not imply that this is a * primary object. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_FIRST_FIELD= 0x100, * Belongs to the first field in its * segment. Used to distinguish * objects in fields shared by two * segments. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_SCANLINE= 0x200, * Lies within valid nu range * for its scanline. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_OK_STRIPE = 0x400, * Lies within valid eta range for * its stripe. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_SECONDARY = 0x1000, * This is a secondary survey object. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_PRIMARY = 0x2000, * This is a primary survey object. AR_OBJECT_STATUS_TARGET = 0x4000 * This is a spectroscopic target. |
ra | float64 | J2000 right ascension (r'). (degrees) |
dec | float64 | J2000 declination (r'). (degrees) |
cx | float64 | Unit x-vector for RA+dec. |
cy | float64 | Unit y-vector for RA+dec. |
cz | float64 | Unit z-vector for RA+dec. |
offsetRa | float32[5] | Filter-position RA minus final RA (* cos(dec)). (arcsec) |
offsetDec | float32[5] | Filter-position dec minus final dec. (arcsec) |
primTarget | int32 | The primTarget field is a bit mask specifying which primary target categories the object was selected in. The bits are defined as:
secTarget | int32 | The secTarget field is a bit mask specifying which secondary target categories the object was selected in. The bits are defined as:
reddening | float32[5] | Reddening in each filter. (magnitudes) |
priority | uint32 | Priority bits. |
rho | float32 | Surface brightness parameter (5 * log petro-rad_i). |
htmID | int64 | Level 20 HTM ID |
modelFluxID | int32 | KD-tree ID for flux space (model flux). |
psfFluxID | int32 | KD-tree ID for flux space (PSF flux). |
petroFluxID | int32 | KD-tree ID for flux space (Petrosian flux). |
matchID | int64[] | List of the IDs of the matching objects. |
field; Field | OneAssoc(Field) | Link to the field that this object is in. |
phototag; PhotoTag; tag | OneAssoc(PhotoTag) | Link to the tag object corresponding to this object. |
profile; Profile | OneAssoc(Profile) | Link to the profile parameters for this object. |
externalcatalog; ExternalCatalog; extern | ManyAssoc(ExternalCatalog) | Link to external catalog associations, if any. |
specobj; SpecObj; spec | ManyAssoc(SpecObj) | Link to external catalog associations, if any. |
child | ManyAssoc(PhotoObj) | Link to the deblended children of this object, if any. |
parent | OneAssoc(PhotoObj) | Link to the parent object if this object has been deblended. |
secondary | ManyAssoc(PhotoObj) | Link to all secondaries of this object if it is a primary. |
primary | ManyAssoc(PhotoObj) | Link to the primary object(s) if this object is a secondary. How can you have more than one primary? It can happen that the secondary object was observed under worse seeing conditions and that it has not been deblended into two or more objects whereas the primary has. |
seclist | ManyAssoc(PhotoObj) | Link to other secondary objects if this is a secondary object. |
photoz; PhotoZ | OneAssoc(PhotoZ) | Link to the photometric redshift object. |