Field |
Member Name/Aliases | Datatype | Description |
fieldID; id,; field_ID | int64 | Unique field identifier: Bitmask consisting of run,rerun,camcol, fieldnumber |
field; fieldNumber | int32 | Field number |
nObjects; nobj | int32 | Number of objects in the field |
nDetectedObjects; ndetected | int32 | Number of objects actually detected |
nChild; nchild | int32 | Number of 'child' objects |
nGalaxy; nGals; ngals; ngalaxy; n_gals | int32 | Number of objects classified as 'galaxy' |
nStars; nstars; n_stars | int32 | Number of objects classified as 'star' |
numStars; numstars; num_stars | int32[5] | Number of stars found in each band |
nCR; n_CR | int32[5] | Number of cosmic rays in each band |
nBrightObj; n_bright_obj | int32[5] | Number of bright objects in each band |
nFaintObj; n_faint_obj | int32[5] | Number of faint (nonbright) objects in each band |
quality | int32 | The quality of data in the field, in terms of its acceptance for the survey: BAD, ACCEPTABLE, GOOD, MISSING, HOLE.
These have the following meanings:
AR_DQ_BAD = 1, * Not acceptable for the survey AR_DQ_ACCEPTABLE = 2, * Acceptable for the survey, but we'd better data AR_DQ_GOOD = 3, * Fully acceptable --- no desire for better data AR_DQ_MISSING = 4, * No objects in this field, because data is missing, * but we accept the field into the survey as a hole * in the survey AR_DQ_HOLE = 5, * Data in this field is not acceptable, but we will * accept the field into the survey as a hole in the * survey, meaning none of the objects in the field * are part of the survey |
mjd; MJD | float64[5] | MJD(TAI) when row 0 was read. |
a | float64[5] | Astrometric transformation constants. mu, nu are defined as:
r'-i' < riCut rowm = row + dRow0 + dRow1*col + dRow2*(col^2) + dRow3*(col^3) + csRow*c colm = col + dCol0 + dCol1*col + dCol2*(col^2) + dCol3*(col^3) + csCol*c r'-i' >= riCut rowm = row + dRow0 + dRow1*col + dRow2*(col^2) + dRow3*(col^3) + ccRow colm = col + dCol0 + dCol1*col + dCol2*(col^2) + dCol3*(col^3) + ccCol mu = a + b * rowm + c * colm nu = d + e * rowm + f * colm |
b | float64[5] | |
c | float64[5] | |
d | float64[5] | |
e | float64[5] | |
f | float64[5] | |
dRow0; d_row0 | float64[5] | Zero-order row distortion coefficient. |
dRow1; d_row1 | float64[5] | First-order row distortion coefficient. |
dRow2; d_row2 | float64[5] | Second-order row distortion coefficient. |
dRow3; d_row3 | float64[5] | Third-order row distortion coefficient. |
dCol0; d_col0 | float64[5] | Zero-order column distortion coefficient. |
dCol1; d_col1 | float64[5] | First-order column distortion coefficient. |
dCol2; d_col2 | float64[5] | Second-order column distortion coefficient. |
dCol3; d_col3 | float64[5] | Third-order column distortion coefficient. |
csRow; cs_row | float64[5] | Slope in row DCR correction for blue objects. |
csCol; cs_col | float64[5] | Slope in column DCR correction for blue objects |
ccRow; cc_row | float64[5] | Constant row DCR correction for red objects. |
ccCol; cc_col | float64[5] | Constant column DCR correction for red objects. |
riCut; ri_cut | float64[5] | r'-i' cutoff between blue and red objects. |
airmass; air_mass; airMass | float64[5] | Airmass for star at frame center (mid exposure) |
raMin; ra_min | float64 | Minima/maxima of this field in ra/dec |
raMax; ra_max | float64 | |
decMin; dec_min | float64 | |
decMax; dec_max | float64 | |
scanlineArea; scanLineArea; scanline_area | float32 | Area of scanline covered by the field (deg^2) |
stripeArea; stripe_area | float32 | Area of stripe covered by the field (deg^2) |
seqID; seqId | int32 | Sequence id overlapping this field (-1=none) |
aa | float32[5] | Zero-point. |
aaErr; aa_err | float32[5] | Zero-point error |
bb | float32[5] | Color term. |
bbErr; bb_err | float32[5] | Color Term Error |
cc | float32[5] | Color x extinction term. |
ccErr; cc_err | float32[5] | Color x extinction term. (error) |
kk | float32[5] | Extinction coefficient. |
kkErr; kk_err | float32[5] | Extinction coefficient. (error) |
framesStatus; frames_status | int32 | Info from the fpFieldStat file : Frames Processing Status |
rowOffset; row_offset | float32[5] | Offset to add to transformed row coordinates. |
colOffset; col_offset | float32[5] | Offset to add to transformed column coordinates. |
saturationLevel; saturation_level | int32[5] | Saturation level |
nEffPsf; nEffPSF; neff_psf | float32[5] | Effective area of the point spread function. (pixels) |
skyPsp; sky_psp | float32[5] | Sky from the point spread function. (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
skyFrames; sky_frames | float32[5] | Global sky value in the corrected frame. (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
skyFramesSub; sky_frames_sub | float32[5] | Global sky value after object subtraction. (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
sigPix; sky_pix | float32[5] | Clipped sigma of pixel values in corrected frame (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
deVApCorrection; deV_ap_correction | float32[5] | deV AP correction |
deVApCorrectionErr; deV_ap_correctionErr | float32[5] | deV AP correction error |
expApCorrection; exp_ap_correction | float32[5] | exp AP correction |
expApCorrectionErr; exp_ap_correctionErr | float32[5] | exp AP correction error |
deVModelApCorrection; deV_model_ap_correction | float32[5] | deV model AP correction |
deVModelApCorrectionErr; deV_model_ap_correctionErr | float32[5] | deV model AP correction error |
expModelApCorrection; exp_model_ap_correction | float32[5] | Exp model AP correction |
expModelApCorrectionErr; exp_model_ap_correctionErr | float32[5] | Exp model AP correction error |
medianFiberColor; median_fiberColor; median_fiber_color | float32[5] | Median fiber colors of objects |
medianPsfColor; median_psfColor; median_psf_color; medianPSFColor | float32[5] | Median PSF colors of objects |
q; Q | float32[5] | Mean Stokes Q parameter on the frame? |
u; U | float32[5] | Mean Stokes U parameter on the frame? |
pspStatus; psp_status | int16 | The maximum value of "status" over all 5 filters. |
culled | int32 | This attribute is a bit mask, with the exact same values as the primTarget bit mask. If a bit in the mask is set, it indicates that targets of that type were culled from that field, and therefore that field is excluded from that particular science sample. A given field may have a different value for "culled" in the drilling versus the current version of the sky (just as it can have a different value for "quality"). |
badMask | int32 | The four unsigned 32-bit integer bit masks "badMask", "acceptableMask", "goodMask", and "holeMask" indicate
which quality categories were of the specified quality
for each field. The bits are enumerated in the
following way:
AR_FQ_SEEING = 0x1, AR_FQ_TRACKING = 0x2, AR_FQ_PSF = 0x4, AR_FQ_PHOTOMETRY = 0x8, AR_FQ_PHOTO_DROPOUT = 0x10, AR_FQ_ODD_EVEN_DROPOUT = 0x20, AR_FQ_SKY_U = 0x40, AR_FQ_SKY_G = 0x80, AR_FQ_SKY_R = 0x100, AR_FQ_SKY_I = 0x200, AR_FQ_SKY_Z = 0x400, AR_FQ_AMP_U0 = 0x800, AR_FQ_AMP_U1 = 0x1000, AR_FQ_AMP_G0 = 0x2000, AR_FQ_AMP_G1 = 0x4000, AR_FQ_AMP_R0 = 0x8000, AR_FQ_AMP_R1 = 0x10000, AR_FQ_AMP_I0 = 0x20000, AR_FQ_AMP_I1 = 0x40000, AR_FQ_AMP_Z0 = 0x80000, AR_FQ_AMP_Z1 = 0x100000, AR_FQ_MANUAL = 0x200000 |
acceptableMask | int32 | See description of badMask |
goodMask | int32 | See description of badMask |
holeMask | int32 | See description of badMask |
status | int32[5] | The status fields record the status of the PSF fit for that field in that filter, and can take the following meanings:
AR_PSF_STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1, * ??? AR_PSF_STATUS_OK = 0, * PSF fitted by 2nd order parabolas AR_PSF_STATUS_PSF22 = 1, * PSF fitted by linear functions AR_PSF_STATUS_PSF11 = 2, * PSF fitted by a constant AR_PSF_STATUS_NOPSF = 3, * PSF fit from previous frame used AR_PSF_STATUS_ABORTED = 4, * ??? AR_PSF_STATUS_MISSING = 5 * ??? |
sky | float32[5] | Average sky in frame (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
skySig; sky_sig | float32[5] | Sigma of sky value distribution (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
skyErr; sky_err | float32[5] | The error in the average sky in frame. (luptitudes/arcsec^2) |
skySlope; sky_slope | float32[5] | Slope in sky value along columns (luptitudes/arcsec^2/field) |
lbias; lBias; l_bias | float32[5] | Left-hand bias level (ADUs x DSCALE) |
rbias; rBias; r_bias | float32[5] | Right-hand bias level (ADUs x DSCALE) |
psfNStar; psf_nstar | int32[5] | Number of stars used in PSF measurement. |
psfApCorrectionErr; psf_ap_correctionErr | float32[5] | Photometric error due to imperfect PSF model (mags) |
psfSigma1; psf_sigma1 | float32[5] | Inner gaussian sigma for the composite fit (arcsecs) |
psfSigma2; psf_sigma2 | float32[5] | Outer gaussian sigma for the composite fit (arcsecs) |
psfB; psf_b | float32[5] | Ratio of the inner PSF to the outer PSF at the origin. |
psfP0; psf_p0 | float32[5] | The value of the power law at the origin. |
psfBeta; psf_beta | float32[5] | Slope of power law |
psfSigmaP; psf_sigmap | float32[5] | Width parameter for power law |
psfWidth; psf_width | float32[5] | Effective PSF width, based on 2-Gaussian fit (arcsecs) |
psfPsfCounts; psf_psfCounts | float32[5] | Flux via fit to PSF (counts) |
psf2GSigma1; psf_sigma1_2G | float32[5] | PSF inner sigma 2G |
psf2GSigma2; psf_sigma2_2G | float32[5] | PSF outer sigma 2G |
psf2GB; psf_b_2G | float32[5] | PSF sigma ratio 2G |
psfCounts; psf_counts | float32[5] | PSF counts |
gain | float32[5] | Gain averaged over amplifiers (electrons/DN) |
darkVariance; dark_variance | float32[5] | Dark variance |
nProf; prof_nprof; n_prof | int32[5] | Number of profile bins |
profMeanU; prof_mean_u | float32[] | Mean profile u-band |
profMeanG; prof_mean_g | float32[] | Mean profile g-band |
profMeanR; prof_mean_r | float32[] | Mean profile r-band |
profMeanI; prof_mean_i | float32[] | Mean profile i-band |
profMeanZ; prof_mean_z | float32[] | Mean profile z-band |
profMedU; prof_med_u | float32[] | Median profile u-band |
profMedG; prof_med_g | float32[] | Median profile g-band |
profMedR; prof_med_r | float32[] | Median profile r-band |
profMedI; prof_med_i | float32[] | Median profile i-band |
profMedZ; prof_med_z | float32[] | Median profile z-band |
profSigU; prof_sig_u | float32[] | Profile sigma u-band |
profSigG; prof_sig_g | float32[] | Profile sigma g-band |
profSigR; prof_sig_r | float32[] | Profile sigma r-band |
profSigI; prof_sig_i | float32[] | Profile sigma i-band |
profSigZ; prof_sig_z | float32[] | Profile sigma z-band |
photoobj; PhotoObj; pobj; PhotoObj; obj | ManyAssoc(PhotoObj) | To-Many link to the photometric objects in this field |
segment; Segment | OneAssoc(Segment) | To-One link to the segment this field is in |